Compassion, Evidence.

Virtue and Reason.

It is time to establish Balance on Earth

Imagine a world where each person you cross would be considered like your sister or your brother, you would like only have the wellbeing of him of her and no bad thought.

A world where you wouldn't need to worry about food or shelter, because it would be provided to you.

A world where mother Earth is respected, and where trees are giving fruits and are growing in every place it is possible.

A world where most annoying job would be automatized if this is possible and yield given to citizens or public entities and if not possible, those bad jobs would be highly compensated somehow.

A balanced world of Love, Peace and Brotherhood.

A world where you will be able to use the good Drugs (Psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, Ketamine, Ayahuasca etc.) to explore your inner self, why alcohol should be allow and magic mushroom not? Alcohol is way more dangerous than many other drugs, magic mushroom are natural and you can't be addict or you will never have an overdose, same for LSD but it's synthetic and still most government are classifying it like Heroine which is completely stupid.

A world where religions are not taken too seriously but instead used with an open mind and not too strictly.

We don't have the answer for everything, it's up to you to look inside yourself to find the answers, but stop applying rules from books that have hundreds of years, read them and take the best of them, but do not apply and interpret in a too narrow way, but instead be inspire by them.

A world of creativity and not a world of survival.

Compassion and Evidence, Virtue and Reaosn, no more lies, no more vice, you will respect everyone and everything.

1 - Turn off the TV, stop the platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Youtube (if possible) that aren't here to connect you to friends but are using your data and your attention to make money, and also they are controlling what you can see or not. Also TV is own by the same people that want you to be controlled, in France BFM TV was saying that there were no violence among "Gilet jaune" interaction with police force. They lies and they will always respond to their master.

2 - We should stop paying taxes if our "government" (fake useless leaders) are financing war and we should start to work and trade locally or use crypto, cryptocurrencies like Monero ( are anonymous and decentralized. And instead to finance public entities we should give our taxes in form of donations to education, health system, research instead etc.

3 - Compassion : It's up to every each one of us to decide if we want to be good or bad, there is always the right path and the easy path. Chose the right path, always even if this is harder or ask for sacrifice on your side. This life seems to me to be a test, The Kyballion says : "All is mind, the universe is mental" This whole thing is a test, but even if I'm wrong, wouldn't be better to live by compassion than hate ? To live by altruism instead of selfishness ? Choose your action wisely and don't harm other to succeed in life. Everything works in duality. Bad and Good aren't human concept it's real and it's up to everyone to act by Altruism instead of Selfishness. Do more for others than you would do for yourself.

4 - Evidence : Even if I believe in things and even if I've got the intuition and real conviction that it's the truth, never apply those rules that aren't fact to society. Also religions should be considered like relics and should not be taken too seriously. Any religions that teach violence should perish. Love of Life which mean of all living things should be your new religion. Love as much as you can because we are all in the same world and in the same boat. Use music to feel and try to vibrate with the Feeling of Love. Know that : WE ALL HAVE DEMONS, WE CAN ALL BE JESUS AND ALL CAN ALL BE HITLER but It's up to us to choose. Live above the demons and be free or live underneath them and lose yourself again and again.

5 - Do not fear Death. You will die anyway, don't be frighten by death, it seems to me that death is bigger than what we are living in. Also Death is part of Life. While I first take a trip of LSD I was looking for the answers, to discover the meaning of Life and the nature of it. Something incredible happened to me, 0=1 came to me and I couldn't explain it but still it was like an epiphany, an "Eureka!", I was so happy. 2 weeks later an algorithm on YouTube gave to me this video proving that indeed 0°=1, that's incredible.

Intuition is a powerful tool check the doc "The Code" It's an UK documentary about math. My point here is that I've been looking for meaning and nature of Life my whole life and I went to the conclusion that the Universe is conscious, that "God" exist. Also by logic : the simple idea that if afterlife doesn't exist mean that it will favorize selfishness behavior which mean that the world would be always unbalanced, which led me to think that this is all a trick and all of this is a giant simulation for our consciousness. The whole thing is a consciousness test, that's my conclusion after many years, but like I said, in society we have to go forward with facts. Just don't be so emotional about death and face it like something natural, don't kill any other human to survive, that's ugly. Instead give your life for others and you will have a glorious end.

6 - We will not harm the ones that harmed or harm us.

People that aren't able to feel love or that are always angry or that act badly are more lost than you are, help them and be tolerant to them. They need help and love. If we are changing our government and are removing power from those fake leaders, we should never act with violence with them, but instead, we should act with kindness and understanding, they are also your brothers and sisters and they are just lost.

I am myself still on the Darkside sometimes, but then I try to remember my true purpose and I try to match the reason and virtue that I'm suppose to be by logic.

7 - Use drugs (Dopamine) efficiently, dopamine addiction are into many level, it can be social media, sugar, drugs alcohol, video game, weed, sex, TV etc. Anything that give you pleasure should not be your way of life but instead a reward for a work or something you did that will benefit you or our society. Dopamine addiction are one of the main problem of this society.

Some drugs like magic mushroom or LSD though aren't addictive (physically) and will allow you to explore your inner-self and be One with nature.

You should do some research about it. For me it has awake in me something incredibly powerful and I'm happy I ever tried 4 years ago.

8 - Think by yourself use critical thinking to determine the right from wrong, for example for the covid vaccine, I just inspected with logic the different aspect of this event, and to me it was looking like a big scam, inspiring fear among us, all the media pressuring the information again and again and then providing a vaccine...By logic you know that government are not trust worthy because they allow people suffering, they allow dangerous chemical on our food and thus that give cancer, they allow many things that doesn't seems good for health so why would I accept those vaccine that have been made by big pharma companies that are lobbying our government ? As simple as that.

9 - Respect the environment, respect animals, respect all living things even if sometimes it's hard, try to do not kill, try to grow and elevate yourself without harming anything. To me the most evolve species is a species that doesn't even want to interact with inferior things. It want to observe it grow without being in the equation, but that's just my idea, if we need resources to evolve, I suppose we should weigh a balance the pros and cons and decide if that worth it or not.

10 - It's time to wake up and get out from our comfort zone and fight for all injustice we can see. It doesn't ask a lot of knowledge to see what is wrong or right. Just have faith in Love and in the future of mankind. Without our actions we will live in a dystopian world full of A.I that control us with camera everywhere and social credit score, led by fake leaders that want to be empowered and enslave us all. Anything that you will do will be recorded and you will be noted, are you a good slave ? Or will you be a bad batch ? This is just their vision, a pyramidal system and they will never stop. Remember Charlie Chaplin dictator's speech and then you will remember your true purpose.

Between the right path or the easy path, which one will you chose ?

Do more for others than you can do for yourself.If everyone is doing this someone will mathematically take care of you.

I advise everyone to watch those 2 video as much as you can.

One is an anime with music and without voice that explain the truth we are living in. I cry all the time and also feel anger when I see this. I watched it a lot to make me remember my true purpose on Life.

This one is from Charlie Chaplin dictator's speech, it is to me the most beautiful speech I ever heard in my Life.

Stay strong, do not fear and do what is right.

This is a consciousness war and it's up to every one of us to work toward justice.

"All is mind, the Universe is mental" The Kyballion.

Everything works in duality.

Compassion, Evidence, Virtue and Reason.


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In Love thus in Life I trust.