It's important to bear and analyze bad news to understand that the world we are living in needs to change.


We all share responsibility for the pain in the world.


This pyramid will not bring balance but, instead, may endanger us all, except those responsible for it. No worries for them.


Are we allowing them to wage total war over our heads? A WW3 seriously ?

Wouldn't it be better to perceive the natural order as something

circular instead of pyramidal, in harmony with the laws of our Universe?

And with everything interconnected with PI. 3.141592 


Should we persist in living as a pyramid instead of a circle,

harmoniously organized like the planets?


A system in tune with harmony.


This means we should act and think according to reason, virtue,

compassion, and evidence.


Claiming there's only one life and that it is justifying cruelty

in the world, and denying higher levels of consciousness is a bold stance.


To me, it's clear that there's always more to life than we can imagine. It

makes logical sense to view it as a test, a test of consciousness.


"All is mind, the Universe is mental" - The Kybalion.


Consider it a galactic battle of Life against Nothingness.


The battle is for our collective consciousness.


What will prevail? The dark side or the light side? Jedi or



It's a game, a profound, serious one.


Wouldn't you like to transcend this world more wisely ? And disrupt all your bad traits?


Do we truly need leaders? or to empower one to another?


I believe our economics and laws are biased, and we can do better with the help of A.I.


It’s our moral duty to act by reason and virtue and to do not

consider human laws above the moral ones.


We should trust human mind to know what’s the difference between good and bad, everyone knows deeply that the right path is the sacrifice of ourselves for others, people that way will also take care of you, but only the more dedicated to become better, do the most.


All of this is a gigantic program for our consciousness.


No one is above any other.


Karma is real.


No more form of violence, psychological or physical.


It's essential we focus on solving first the human condition, we cannot continue to ignore the suffering of those beneath us.


The notion that there's only one way to live and that changing

it will lead to system failure is a lie.


Our purpose is to explore and evolve to become greater souls, better species, in the name of virtue, reason, compassion, evidence and Love above all.


Selfishness VS Altruism.


The easy path and the right path.


Evil and Good.


Everything works in duality.


If we all suddenly commit to this change, we can win the game.


But never resort to violence. Those in power should be removed,

not badly punished.


Ignoring something bad happening isn't virtuous and right, no ?






Are you sure there is no supreme consciousness and that there is no soul evolution ? What is your side ?