Speak : Play the game.

Don’t you want to play the game ?

Aren’t you bored in your life to dope yourself with dopamine and consumerism ?

Don’t you think you would rather play by the Universe rules and challenge yourself instead of just absorbing your reality like you have been told ?  

Are you really considering being so selfish for the rest of your life and be happy about it ?

Are we going to continue to ignore that somewhere in our planet there is someone suffering because of our selfish choice ?

You know as much as me that you are part of something greater than what society is telling you.

You know as much as me that you aren’t meant to just be a tool of consumerism, a tool of capitalism.

It’s a lie that you can achieve anything if you want (meritocracy) to even reach the top of the pyramid.

Only a very few will and could.

Our time is limited, a human brain will consider by the logic of this game use of vice and bad traits (evil traits) to reach the top of the pyramid.

This system isn’t fair, even someone rich can end up finish in the street with nothing.

We need to secure the basics for all human being.

And it start with Food, Healthcare and Shelter.

And no one should be able to take democratic decisions because of the weigh he/she has in term of capital. Because of his amount of money he has.

It’s not the smartest people that become rich or nor the wisest, or the kindest.

Know that we all have a role to play on the Balance of our society.

It can start today from all of us, by starting to think about resolve issues globally instead of locally, just ourselves.

You can say you have your own problems but if you really think deep about it.

You know you can participate even as a tiny scale.

If everyone would do this, the world would be already dramatically different.

So it’s up to any of us to change and spread this peaceful germ of Love around the world.

It’s up to any of us to decide suddenly to be warriors of the Universe and protect his perfection by acting by compassion, evidence, virtue and reason.

Like the planets orbiting the sun acting by reason, according with the laws of the Universe.

Our job is to be good toward Life and toward each other’s.

Every living things are 1 with us, don’t you feel it ?

Deeply you always know we always have the choice between the Right path or the Easy path.

There is always an action that you would do or might not do where you will ask yourself, is this morally acceptable ?

Don’t take the bad path and use as excuse the bad society we are living in.

Because the truth is that even if there is people that believe being untouchable gods because of their place in the pyramid and that can apparently decide for anything, we still have libre arbitre and we are all designer of our reality.

If we suddenly ALL decide to do not accept governement as rulers anymore we could…even as from now if this text would be seen for example by 9 Billions people.

Well then we would be free already.

Then next days you continue to work as always, don’t break the chain, and slowly we would replace all boring jobs and install machine instead, slowly people would start to hug in the street because we would all be One family, we would give food to each other, allow to live in house that we don’t use, use public wealth to build public utilities like hospitals and education we could plant fruits trees anywhere it’s possible etc.

You can just build the list as much as me, we have the same heart deeply.

Imagine 9 Billions people deciding to live by simple moral rules instead of governement bossing around and maltreating us.

The Governement should be the people and not a bunch of fake elected people that desire to dominate the world, corrupted by vice, greed and selfishness.

And if there is a leader, the leader should be someone that show example and is wiser in every forms, not a greedy person that just take advantage of his level in society.

Remember : Compassion, Evidence, Virtue and Reason.


Ps : If you think  as a fact Life after your body depart and you will be NOTHING.

As yourself “What if I’m wrong ?” What if Nothing is also equal Something ? And as fact you should know that 0°=1

So from 0 became 1, so from nothingness, life became, become, will become.

Death is an illusion, your journey in the story of Life have a high probability to do not end here…

Those that lie to themselves about this and allow themselves to act Evil in exchange should be aware that they might be wrong about it and that karma is real.

One way or another, if you don’t pay on this Life, you will pay for the next ones to rebalance your Karma.

You might think it’s religions.

But just feel it, all around you in you everyday life, you will see that Life is a complex system like a computer and that nothing is left like this for no reason.

Don’t feel low, feel big and you will see.

Good luck to you on this adventure. May your choice align with your soul.

In Love thus in Life I trust.